DeeMon's Glorious webpage!

Its a work in progress, ok!

As you might have noticed, this sites kinda empty. Thats because its still under construction. This is mearly a placeholder for an eventual proper site.

What you also may notice is that the html and css is not the greates. Thats because I last used my webdev skills 2 years ago in high school. And those high school teacher are honestly not the greatest in webdev. They kinda didn't go with the times always, and tbf, we had only so many IT leassons. So yeah, I'm rusty and have been undertought on old knowledge. But what I can promise is that I'll be learning. I wanna learn a proper flexbox layout, maybe even javascript. Instead we were thought php, wich I hate, and hopefully never need to pain myself ever again, atleast I definitly can't use it here. It is complicated, but I did like it. Isn't that the only thing that matters, I might even study it, lol.

So, please bear the cheap layout for now, It'll be better eventually!

a digital illustration of me prodly wearing demon horns, with a sign saying under construction

My interests

So what do I care about? I'm glad you asked Imaginary reader, cause I still have some space to fill. I like nintendo games, I like anime, I like Kasane Teto, I like the void, and I sure like unmanned spaceflight. I don't like Smg4 anymore tough. It changed for the worse. Furthermore, I like IT stuff, coding and all, I like making vids, I ocasionally draw, and I love messing with AI. You can raise the pitchforks if you want for that lol.

I'm out of ideas, so by lol